The aim of WP4 is to test, and validate under field conditions, new and existing methods for on-line and sorbent trap Hg measurement using input from WP1, WP2 and WP3: i.e. the calibration and reference gas standards for Hg(0) and HgCl2 from Tasks 1.1-1.3, the methods for gaseous Hg(II) at environmentally relevant concentrations from Task 2.1, the Hg species specific measurement from Task 2.2 and the sampling methods from Task 3.2.

WP4 will include the on-line measurement of Hg using conversion and optical detection methods and sorbent trap measurements; the most commonly used method to measure Hg. The selected applications for the measurements will cover the whole Hg chain and will include the most representative segments in the Hg cycle: i.e. emissions of Hg originating from coal burning and cement manufacturing, drift of Hg in air and the existence of Hg in nature. These applications cover both process stack emissions and atmospheric measurements and hence Hg concentrations in several different matrices over a wide dynamic range i.e. from sub-ng/m3 in ambient air to µg/m3 in process emissions. For stack emissions, coal fired power plants and cement kilns are the most representative and for ambient air, official European GMOS Hg speciation sites will be used.

The aims of the tasks in WP4 are:

Task 4.1: test and validate existing methods for on-line Hg monitoring from process stack emissions.

Task 4.2: test and validate existing methods for on-line Hg monitoring in the atmosphere.

Task 4.1: Stack gas emission measurements

The aim of this task is to test and validate existing methods for on-line Hg monitoring from process stack emissions using the calibration methods, reference gas standards and protocol developed in Tasks 1.1 and 1.2. Coal fired power plants using different flue gas abatement systems (e.g. electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters and desulphurisation plants) and cement kilns are the major sources of Hg emissions to air and therefore a coal fired power plant and a cement clinker production facility will be used for the field tests.

Activity numberActivity descriptionPartners (Leadinbold)
A4.1.1 VTT, JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA and Lumex will test and validate existing methods for on-line Hg and sorbent trap measurements in emission monitoring in a coal fired power plant. The coal fired power plant will be selected by VTT, JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA and Lumex and the testing and validation will be organised by VTT

The range of methods for on-line Hg and sorbent trap measurements will be tested using representative systems that are commercially available to emission monitoring companies. The systems and how many will be tested will be selected by VTT, JSI and LGC and then hired by VTT, JSI, LGC and PSA. They will be tested using the methods from A2.1.5, A2.2.6, A2.2.9 and A3.2.5 and validated using the calibration methods and reference gas standards developed in A1.1.4 and the protocol from A1.2.3.

The selected coal fired power plant will be equipped with at least 2 different flue gas abatement technologies in order to test their effect on Hg emission. Different flue gas abatement systems effect flue gas composition and dust load and hence the operation and reliability of Hg measurement systems through the operation of Hg converters and transportation properties of Hg.

The methods will be characterised at different stages (e.g. electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters and desulphurisation plants) of the plant operation, in order to test their reliability e.g. reliability of different sampling, sample conditioning and transportation methods including sample gas filtration and dilution techniques, and matrix gas effects on different parts of the measurement system in different representative applications.
VTT, JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA, Lumex
A4.1.2 VTT, JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA and Lumex will test and validate a range of existing methods for on-line Hg and sorbent trap measurements in emission monitoring in a cement clinker production facility. The cement clinker production facility will be selected by VTT, JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA and Lumex and the testing and validation will be organised by VTT. The range of methods for on-line Hg and sorbent trap measurements will be tested using representative systems that are commercially available to emission monitoring companies. The systems and how many will be tested will be selected by VTT, JSI and LGC and then hired by VTT, JSI, LGC and PSA. They will be tested using the methods from A2.1.5, A2.2.6, A2.2.9 and A3.2.5 and validated using the calibration methods and reference gas standards developed in A1.1.4 and the protocol from A1.2.3.

These methods will be characterised in different modes (e.g. electrostatic precipitators, fabric filters and desulphurisation plants) of the cement kiln operation, in order to test their reliability e.g. reliability of different sampling, sample conditioning and transportation methods including sample gas filtration and dilution techniques, and matrix gas effects on different parts of the measurement system in different representative applications.
VTT, JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA, Lumex
A4.1.3 UPPA and JSI will apply the traceable isotope measurements developed in A2.1.5, A2.2.6 and A2.2.9 in the coal fired power plant and cement clinker production facility from A4.1.1 and A4.1.2. UPPA, JSI
A4.1.4 Using input from A4.1.1-A4.1.3, VTT, JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA, Lumex and UPPA will produce a validation report on the field testing of new and existing methods for on-line and sorbent based Hg measurements in stack emissions. VTT, JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA, Lumex, UPPA
A4.1.5 VTT with support from JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA, Lumex and UPPA will review the report from A4.1.4 and the coordinator will then submit it to EURAMET as D7 ‘Validation report on the field testing of new and existing methods for on-line and sorbent based Hg measurements in stack emissions’. VTT, JSI, LGC, Optoseven, PSA, Lumex, UPPA

Task 4.2: Atmospheric measurements

The aim of this task is to test and validate existing methods for on-line Hg monitoring in the atmosphere. Official European GMOS Hg speciation sites will be used for the testing and the sites have been chosen as they represent different climatic zones and are influenced by different synoptic patterns. By using sites across Europe it should also be possible to take into account the effect of direct sources of Hg and its short and long range transportation. There are 2 main sites and 1 optional site:

  1. MAIN The site in Monte Curcio in Italy is distant from local sources, although biomass burning (especially in winter for domestic heating) is detected at the site. Strong southerly winds at this site often result in the transport of Saharan dust, which influences aerosol loading. In addition differences in ozone concentrations have been verified at long-term Apennine sites in Italy which influence the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. The Monte Curcio site also exhibits significant temperature variations; due to its altitude, the temperature is generally below or close to freezing and it snows frequently, however during the summer temperatures can be over 30 °C and strong convective storms can occur.
  2. MAIN The site in Ljubljana in Slovenia is urban and influenced by both local and long range sources. The site also has significant differences between winter and summer temperatures, and experiences both synoptic and convective rainfall events.
  3. OPTIONAL The site in Mace Head in Ireland is very different from the Monte Curcio and Ljubljana sites, as the temperature variations at the Mace Head site are limited due to the influence of the Gulf Stream which makes both the summer and winter mild. In addition, precipitation is almost always synoptic rather than convective and the humidity at the site is significant all year round, which provides a good test for monitoring instrumentation.
Activity numberActivity descriptionPartners (Leadinbold)
A4.2.1 CNR, LGC and JSI will test and validate existing methods for on-line Hg and sorbent trap measurement in the atmosphere under different environmental conditions. Three official GMOS Hg speciation sites will be used for the field tests, they are in Monte Crucio, and Ljubljana and the OPTIONAL site at Mace Head. The testing and validation will be organised by CNR at Monte Crucio (Italy), by JSI at Ljubljana (Slovenia) and by LGC at Mace Head (Ireland).

The existing methods for on-line Hg and sorbent trap measurement in the atmosphere will be tested using the methods from A2.1.5, A2.2.6, A2.2.9 and A3.2.5 and validated using the calibration methods and reference gas standards developed in A1.1.4 and the method from A1.3.3.
A4.2.2 UPPA, CNR and JSI will apply the traceable stable isotope measurement methods developed in A2.1.5, A2.2.6 and A2.2.9 at the selected GMOS sites from A4.2.1. This will be undertaken in order to validate new and existing methods for on-line and sorbent based Hg measurements in the atmosphere. UPPA, CNR, JSI
A4.2.3 Using input from A4.2.1 and A4.2.2, CNR, LGC, JSI and UPPA will produce a validation report on the field testing of new and existing methods for on-line and sorbent based Hg measurements in the atmosphere. CNR, LGC, JSI, UPPA
A4.2.4 CNR with support from LGC, JSI and UPPA will review the report from A4.2.3 and the coordinator will then submit it to EURAMET as D8 ‘Validation report on the field testing of new and existing methods for on-line and sorbent based Hg measurements in the atmosphere’. CNR, LGC, JSI, UPPA